This is the first Bytemind-adjacent thing I have ever drawn.

I frankly do not consider the robot in this concept art to be Paz as the concept for Paz came much later.

I do, however, consider this image as the first concept for Bytemind's story and setting.

This is the earliest concept art of Paz. I drew this during my high school lunch break with the intent of making a new character as I was a bit sick of

reusing my old characters over and over. This dates back to March 8th, 2022.

The second earliest concept art of Paz.

This was the first time I considered using Paz for a webcomic.

At this time, the comic didn't have a title, but it did indeed have a concept attatched to it.

The idea of it was that Paz was going to be raised by a gang of robbers that accidentally stole him in a heist.


City Reject was the first version of Bytemind I tried to develop in-depth.

The comic was about a homeless girl named Yuki somehow coming in posession of Paz, a prototye robot from a mysterious lab, by way of a trash bin.

From then on they'd become good friends and also somehow take down the entire mob.

Here's some environment shot sketches for City Reject.


After I chose to re-use the ideas from a scrapped Sonic fan comic for a new comic, I created "Jammin'Universe: Robot Wars".

This all stemmed from drawing Paz again after months and months of forgetting City Reject, and subsequently also Paz existed.

This is gonna sound real corny, but when I had drawn Paz here for the first time in a while, something just clicked.

From when I was young to then, I was always trying to create a character with Sonic-like appeal.

The moment I had drawn the Paz hitting that goofy ass pose in the upper center next to the og concept art of him and Yuki, I knew I'd achieved my goal.

These are the first drawings I ever made of J-Mod.

Initially, J-Mod was supposed to be a villain apart of a gang of villains working for Byte akin to the Koopalings from Super Mario.

Here are some early pieces of concept art for Byte Thousandstar.

As you can see, there is two things off about him. One is his wheel. This was supposed to be in place of his legs for a long time,

but sometime before his first appearance in Issue 1, I scrapped it.

I remember I held onto the idea for so long that when I actually thought to give the dude legs, I still wanted to make his wheels some sort of interchangable part for him to use.


The story of Nickeleye's creation is real interesting, at least to me.

One morning, I was taking a break from making some Bytemind art. I was playing some pvp Minecraft server on my Nintendo Switch.

It was kinda this big battle-type gamemode where it was every player against each other.

I was hopping around, killing people, doing my thing, where all of a sudden a user named "Nickeleye" shows up and kills me.

And then kills me again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

I now had a personal vendetta against this guy. It was my mission to destroy him, and eventually, I did. And right after, they killed me again.

Afterwards though, I got the idea for a character that embodied what that guy kept doing. Just coming back over and over. Being resilient.

I then made a character named after the guy and never looked back. The name initially was supposed to be temporary, but it stuck like a professional industrial grade weld-job.

To the original Nickeleye, wherever you are, I hope you're still being resilient.

© Danielle G. Maxine, ToxicCat Studios,