Bytemind Terms of Use Revised September 2nd, 2024 © Danielle G. Maxine, ToxicCat Studios, 2024. --------------------------------------------- 1. Use of Bytemind & Related materials on other sites --------------------------------------------- Bytemind, it's art, images, and texts should not be used by companies, persons, orginizations, websites, or groups which are, categorized, or are related to: - Hate groups/hate speech/racism - Right wing views - Pro AI art - Drugs or Alcohol - Pedophiles - Zoophiles - Proshippers Bytemind's images, artwork, text, sounds, videos, website coding, and any other related files under the copyright of ToxicCat related to Bytemind may not be used for any sort of AI model training under any sort of circumstance, generative or not. 2. Translation & Editing --------------------------------------------- Translation: ------------ I would prefer if translations were made with my knowledge/input as my work is important to me and I'd like to see it adapted accurately so people may enjoy the best version of the story they can. The story and lines must be adapted as close to the original as possible, as to not diminish the message and meaning of the comic's story. I will not allow cussing within a comic's translation unless it is stated that such words can be allowed. I will not allow official translations into fictional languages such as "Klingon" or "Elvish" as it may distract from more important translation efforts. This is fine if it is done purely as a fan effort an not an official work. If you would like to translate the contents of the Bytemind comic, art, or website, contact me at: Discord: @danijam E-Mail:, Editing: ------------ Bytemind may be edited and posted to public social media (with full credit), but it may not be edited in these ways: - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for hate groups/hate speech/racism - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for Pedophilia - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for Zoophilia - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for Right Wing views - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for Capitalism - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for Proshipping - Support, endorsement, or advocacy for Drugs or Alcohol - NSFW Edits 3. Fan works: --------------------------------------------- I am not [NAME CORPORATE ENTITY THAT TAKES DOWN ANY FAN WORK EVER], nor do I even think I am ever remotely as big as them. However, I fully allow fan works with open arms, but I have but two rules, please, no NSFW artwork and no drug use. I am personally uncomfortable with such topics when in relation to my works. Please respect this and there won't be any problems at all. CLOSING: ---------- In closing, If any of these terms are broken I serve the right as the creator of Bytemind and co-founder of ToxicCat Studios to take action however I see fit. © Danielle G. Maxine, ToxicCat Studios, 2024.